
Spring Has Sprung! Check out our Spring 2024 Newsletter.

Published on April 5, 2024 under News
Spring Has Sprung! Check out our Spring 2024 Newsletter.

Our Spring 2024 ViewPoints newsletter is here! Download the entire newsletter below to read a message from Paul Travis, our Executive Director, and articles on our 75th Conservation Easement, the nearly 500-acre Jaquette farm with a rich legacy; a thank you to our major Owen Sowerwine donors, grantors & partners and project recap; a grand thank you to all of our 2023 donors, along with our 2023 Annual Report & Financial Summary. Plus an invitation to sign up for a guided hike at Harrell Forest with FLT staff and attend our Owen Sowerwine Celebration on July 10.

As always, we want to thank each and every one of you who supports Flathead Land Trust in so many ways. Enjoy the issue!