View of the Weaver Conservation Easements from the Bison Range.
A 122-acre ranch and wildlife haven in the Mission Valley, once platted for subdivision, has been protected in perpetuity with Flathead Land Trust. John Weaver, distinguished retired conservation biologist and land steward, added this parcel along Mission Creek just east of the National Bison Range to his conservation portfolio . Dr. Weaver’s adjacent 159-acre property to the south, containing a section of Sabine Creek, was placed under conservation easement with Flathead Land Trust in 2015.

The newly conserved property adds to a network of protected land especially important for grizzly bear and birds. It is strategically located downstream from the Mission Mountain Wilderness, a grizzly bear stronghold, and secures a critical slice of wildlife corridor connectivity along a mile of Mission Creek, a known travel route for grizzly bear. The property offers premiere habitat and foraging opportunities frequently used by grizzly bear.
The Weaver Mission Creek conservation easement also adds to and enhances an 18,000-acre protected wetland complex providing critical nesting habitat and a vital migratory stopover in the Intermountain West portion of the Pacific Flyway. The parcel boasts diverse bird use, with 96 species flourishing in the riverine forests, wetlands, and agricultural fields, including a multitude of songbirds, pileated woodpecker, great blue heron and bald eagle. The property provides critical nesting habitat for at least 50 species, with nearly 40 additional potential nesting species.

Varied and vibrant riparian vegetation and wetlands on the Weaver II easement are also crucial for the health and integrity of Mission Creek and its spring-fed tributary flowing into the property. One of the wetlands on the property containing gray alder and skunk cabbage has comparable value to a wetland community listed as “imperiled” by the Montana Natural Heritage Program. This unique wetland and a portion of the spring creek on the property are used by rare fireflies.
Homesteaded in the early 1870s, the ranch has a rich tradition of agriculture. Over half of the property contains “farmland of local importance” as determined by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Now permanently protected, these rich soils will be available for farming in perpetuity.

Conservation of this distinctive landscape not only safeguards the Montana way of life, our wildlife and water quality, but local residents and visitors benefit from the scenic views and open space secured within the Weaver Mission Creek Easement.
This valuable conservation easement was made possible with funding from the North American Wetland Conservation Act, Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation through the Heart of the
Rockies Keep It Connected program, Cinnabar Foundation, and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Wildlife Mitigation program.
Photo above: View of the Weaver Conservation Easements from the air. The Weaver Mission Creek easement is along the bottom of the photo.
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